IRC log of #zope for Sunday, 2018-03-04

*** noodlepie has quit IRC00:39
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*** MrTango has quit IRC02:13
*** srichter_ has joined #zope02:45
*** lregebro has quit IRC03:05
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*** betabug has quit IRC08:59
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*** entrop has joined #zope14:52
*** noodlepie has joined #zope16:23
*** kiorky has joined #zope16:24
noodlepieDoes anyone actually use this channel? "quiet" is an understatement!16:32
kiorkynoodlepie: yeah w are just idling16:33
kiorkynoodlepie: please stay quiet, you shooted down the idling uptime16:34
* noodlepie built the busiest Zope site with version 2 years ago for Virgin Media16:34
noodlepieIts was for a now defunct TV station for teenagers - part of the cable bundle16:35
noodlepieIt was basically a CMS with some design efferots thrown in16:35
*** MrTango has joined #zope19:08
noodlepieI think Zope3 is the only app server worth considering and using. I love ZCA21:11
*** jham has quit IRC21:26
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*** noodlepie has quit IRC22:22

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